Alarm System Pre-Wiring

Condo, Big or Small home, Single or Duplex, or your business - We can wire your home or business to your satisfaction


Here at All American Technology, we encourage our customers, who are building a home, to have their home pre-wired for security. It is much easier to wire a home when it is in the construction phase than it is once the home is built. Pre-wiring your home for security will enable you to have more coverage for less money than if you were to install the same exact system once the home is built.

Give us a call & we will quote your security alarm
pre-wire right over the phone

Feel Free to give us a call and we can give you a quote right over the phone in most cases. We will need your count of accessible windows and doors the size of the home and the type of windows that you are installing. We will also need to know if the home is a 1-story, 2-story or other. You can call us at 903-363-4130

structured wiring


For existing homes or businesses contact
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or call
(903) 363-4130



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228 Main St Van, TX 75790     (903) 363-4130